Me with 'Elle' yesterday at the garage to get my oil change |
Still recovering from snowmageddon from over a week ago. The roads are mostly clear but we still have four feet high snow banks along the sides of our roads.
Yesterday we went to Kenny's Garage in Milton to get my oil changed in my Subaru Forester. I also wanted to get my battery checked. Lately I've been having a slow start to my beloved Subaru Forester. God, I don't want to be stuck someplace with a dead battery.
I had called 'Kenny' of Kenny's Garage a couple of days ago. Kenny told me I could stop by at 8:30 in the morning. That I did. As I drove into their sooty snow banked narrow driveway a young man who was rounding the corner of the building looked at me and said 'Can I help you?' I said 'I'm here to get my oil changed and have my battery checked. I made arrangements with Kenny to stop by this morning.' He said 'Come on in, I'll take care of you.'
When I went inside the building I noticed the furniture was arranged differently and a different dog. Kenny had a very friendly yellow lab. This time I was greeted by a Winston Churchill looking English bulldog. She was also very friendly, liked to be petted just like Kenny's yellow lab.
I asked 'Herb' (the young man's name) what happened to Kenny. He said 'Kenny sold his business to me.' Well, that was interesting. That explained the different furniture arrangement (not as comfortable as Kenny's) and the different dog.
I turned the keys over to my car and Bill and I sat down on the uncomfortable, hard, plastic chairs in the cold room to wait. Herb checked my batter and told me I did indeed need a new battery. Thank goodness I had this checked. One of my fears is my car conking out in the BJ's parking lot. I am a member of AAA (sine 1982) but I've never used their services. Not that I don't want to, but I would prefer to be prepared rather than depend on a rescue.
Herb said he was out of Subaru batteries because he had replaced so many during this cold snap but if I could wait he could have one delivered from Georgetown, some twenty miles away. Bill and I settled in to wait.
About an hour later we were out of there. Dental appointment was next. That went well.
Later in the afternoon I get a call from Kenny. He said 'Are you coming down?' I replied 'I stopped by this morning and had my oil changed and battery replaced.' Kenny told me 'Oh, didn't you know? I'm operating out of my home now.' Well, no I didn't know. I am reminded of the quote from 'Cool Hand Luke.' 'What we have here is a failure to communicate.'
Just another day in the life folks. Never a dull moment, or day, or week. Who said retirement was boring?