Kamis, 11 Januari 2018
Moore Loses Alabama Senate Race
Last night I went to bed early because I couldn't stand to watch the returns of the Alabama senate race between Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones. I feared that Roy Moore would win.
Roy Moore, the accused child molester who has a history of trolling for teenaged girls when he was a district attorney in his thirties.
Roy Moore, the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice who was removed twice for refusing to obey the law recognizing same sex marriages.
Roy Moore, who identifies as an evangelical Christian and views homosexuality as a lifestyle that is 'against nature,' said in a 2005 interview on C-SPAN2 that he believes 'homosexual conduct should be illegal.'
Roy Moore, who said this about slavery in response to a question from one of the only African Americans in an audience who asked when Moore thought America was last 'great': - Moore acknowledged the nation's history of racial divisions, but said: 'I think it was great at the time when families were united - even though we had slavery - they cared for one another . . . . our families were wrong, our country had a direction.'
These and many other beliefs and actions of Roy Moore made him massively unqualified to represent the fine citizens of Alabama in the Senate of the United States of America.
Shame on all those who voted for Roy Moore especially those self possessed evangelical Christians who chose to ignore the credible child molestation accusations against this repulsive man. How could they?
As I said at the beginning of this post, I went to bed early last night fearing the worst. That I would wake up and find that the homophobic, racist, child molester was elected to the Senate.
I woke up at 3:48 AM for a bathroom break. Dare I touch my iPhone to see what the news was? I didn't because I feared I would get back to sleep.
I went back to bed and slept fitfully for another two hours, waking up at 6:45 AM. Now was the time to touch my iPhone and see the news. I feared the worst.
Wow! The relief I felt was immense.
By the way, Roy Moore doesn't know how to ride a horse. The way he rode his horse to the polls yesterday showed how phony he is. And 32 year old men don't date teenaged girls.
Fake Christian