Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

Couldn't Sleep

This morning I awoke up at 4:32 am this morning. Couldn't get back to sleep.  Why? I couldn't sleep after that atrocity yesterday that the Congressional Republicans passed that tax scam bill that pays back their corporate donors, lies about tax cuts for middle America and guts the Affordable Care Act by repealing the individual mandate. What do the Republicans do for our country other than reward the very rich and make life more difficult for the rest of us? they are bought and paid for which they proved yesterday with that obscene White House gathering yesterday praising Dear Leader. 

Of course our fake president (Trump - whose picture I will NEVER offend my readers by posting again on this blog) had an event at the White House yesterday to gloat.

What really sickened me was the sycophants who publicly performed fellatio on Trump during Trumps cabinet meeting yesterday.  I literally gagged when I watched Vice President Mike Pence disgrace himself by seeing how far he could get his tongue up Trump's fat golf cart riding ass.   Does he (Pence) has no self respect? Apparently not. Nor do the other cabinet members. At least they didn't prostate themselves like that last Trump cabinet meeting where Trump had them go around the table giving each one the opportunity to effusively praise him which they did. 

Check out Pence's High Five hand clapping that all the congressional Republicans gleefully obliged Trump yesterday during that gathering yesterday on the White House steps after Trump summoned them to praise him. The last time I saw that kind of sycophant hand clapping was at a Kim Jong-un public event. Those North Korean generals know if they don't High Five Clap and smile ear to ear they won't be at the next Kim Jon-un event. 

Hey folks, do you see what's happening here? Trump is development a cult of personality. We are entering dangerous territory.  For the first time in my life I fear for our country. And that is because of those Republican enablers who praise Trump effusively even though they know he is the most incompetent and offensive president that this country has ever had.

'Exquisite?' Really Paul Ryan?  We all know that you're celebrating your orgasmic victory of 'tax reform' after years of working for it. Now you can finally get rid of that hard on you've been carrying for twenty plus year.  Oh wait, you've already said next year you're going to go after Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. 

You see why I can't sleep folks?  What is happening to our country?

 By the way, isn't Paul 'Eddie Munster' Ryan the goofiest fuck you've ever seen in your life?