Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

Christmas Day 2017

Good morning folks! 

Tis Christmas morning here at Casa Tipton-Kelly. Just another day, albeit quiet and peaceful outside. This is the one day a year that the roads are almost deserted.  I guess the few cars on the roads are the peoples going to work, like I will be going work at the hotel later today.

Bill and I exchanged Christmas cards this morning and reaffirmed our love and devotion to each other for another year. We dispensed with the gift exchanging years ago. We have everything we need and what we (me actually) want I get during the year.  Mr. Impulse Buyer,  no patience here. 

I remember when I was a kid and my Mother would take me along with her to visit an elderly relative on Christmas Day. I was always struck and saddened by the quietness of their homes and if there was any Christmas decorations up at all it was usually some sad little dusty ceramic Christmas tree.  No glittering eight foot tall trie with gayly colored bubble lights and presents festooned at the base of the tart forest smell of the pine tree. 'How sad!' I thought. But now I am one of those elderly folk and I understand. And you know what? I'm not sad.  I really do understand. Christmas is mainly for small children and of course those others who choose to celebrate differently than I do, which is very low key.

I am happy for whichever way you choose to celebrate Christmas. But to me Christmas is the one time of year in which I reaffirm my love to Bill and my gratitude for my friends and relatives who are still in my life. 

There will come a day, and probably not too far in the future, that I will no longer post to this blog. Either from my demise or incapacity but that day will come.  But for now folks, I wish you all a wonderful, happy, joyous, and peaceful Christmas.  

Much love.

Me, Christmas 1969 Philadelphia, PA
(That painting of the ship on the wall was the first Christmas present Bill gave to me. It is my favorite of all time and hangs over my bed today, as fresh as it was the day he gave it to me 48 years ago)